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Category: Energy & Raw materials -> Others

Country: Poland

Language of presented products: All | polish | english

Featured products

[Poland]The briquette

We offer sawdust briquette – it appears in the form of a cylinder of 63mm in diameter and its length is from a few to a dozen centimetres. The briquette contains no binding substances – it is produced by pressing sawdust under high pressure. It has very good heating properties as it is made of dry sawdust. When combusting, the briquette produces small amounts of ash. The briquette is packed in: bags 40kg cardboard boxes 20kg Big Bag 500 kg 1 tonne = 25 bags or 50 boxes. For larger[...]



SUROWIEC: trocina sosnowa * kształt : wałki o średnicy ok. 5,5 cm , długości od 1,5- 12 cm * zawartość popiołu : 3% * opakowanie : worki po 25 lub 40 kg * zastosowanie : piece kaflowe , C.O i kominki[...]


[Poland]The briquette

We offer sawdust briquette – it appears in the form of a cylinder of 63mm in diameter and its length is from a few to a dozen centimetres. The briquette contains no binding substances – it is produced by pressing sawdust under high pressure. It has very good heating properties as it is made of dry sawdust. When combusting, the briquette produces small amounts of ash. The briquette is packed in: bags 40kg cardboard boxes 20kg Big Bag 500 kg 1 tonne = 25 bags or 50 boxes. For larger[...]


[Poland]Podpałka kominkowa

* podpałka kominkowa rozpala sie w 15 sek. * podpałka kominkowa to oszczedność czasu i pieniędzy * Idealana do rozpalania kominków i piecy węglowych * wystarczy 1 zapałka * czas palenia 1 kostki ok. 30 min * kostek w paczce 12 sztuk ( 0,5 kg )[...]
